“Daily Mass if for those who have nothing better to do…which is all of us.” Jason Every


Today’s prompt calls for a reflection on the word “freedom”.

What automatically popped in my head was the freedom of choice God has given us–our free will.

I was having a conversation with my sister the other day about free will. God allows us to decide what we want to do, and the applies to whether or not we make the time for Him. I heard a priest once give a homily about the walls that we build between us and God. Sometimes God will tear those down and sometimes he will let them stand…waiting for us to tear them down.

This proves to be such a good example of free will because if we believe that God loves us so much (like he does) and he still allows us to separate ourselves from Him (in sin) than what could be a better example of the gift of free will.

If I were to force my husband or my son to love me, want to be with me, talk with me, and spend time with me–that wouldn’t be love. That’s what God knows.

He gives us that choice.

God goes to the point of offering himself DAILY in Mass to spend time with us–to save us. And often we don’t go or don’t care.

He waits for us in the Tabernacle, every day.

Just waiting for us to come and see Him.

What better way to spend your time than with Our Lord? What better way to choose freedom than with Our Lord?




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